Freak Manifesto (Free author's translation)

You already know it. Forgive my mistakes, for I'm a Spanish, Catalan and Galician native speaker.

My name is Sergi Carballo-Losada and I am a freak. I admit it. I’m 31 years old and I have never liked hanging out to discos, not even when I was 16. I do not smoke, not drink, I do not take drugs (except coffee and sugar), I don’t shave my breast and I do not go to the gym to get muscled. Instead of those activities, I like chess, classical music, mathematics, biology and physics, and one thing that every freak likes: thinking.

Freaks of the world: listen to me. You that were never chosen in sport class to play in the football team. You that weight more than 120 kilos and hardly pass through the door of your home. You that think that no one from the opposite sex is going to be near you because you have too many prickles, your mouths stinks, you are not in fashion because your fathers cannot spend 50 euros in pants, you that do not hang out to discos because you loathe disco music.

The moment has come. The last will be the first, thus said Jesuschrist. We all are in a moment of history in which the intelligence and the talent will be the key factor to get a job or to simply get something in your life. We freaks are everywhere. From the unemployment queues to the neuroscience cathedras in the most important universities. Your creativity, comrades freaks, will be victorious sooner or later. The only problem is how you live on meanwhile. The mind revolution is bound to unleash. A revolution in thinking and science as no one seen in this planet in its 4.600 millions of years of existence.

And the agents of these revolutions will be we freaks, those who studied a degree though our tacky arrogant neighbour earned more than 3.000 euros working at construction every month. We that have spent our youth in study, reading, thinking, playing chess or rol, in cultivating our mind prior to our body.

Our is the future. Trash television and its troupe of idiots are approaching to its end. The political parties that are trying to steal us our future too. The time is coming when freaks will rule the world. I mean very seriously. And that day many problems of this world will be solved, until new problems will arise and our children, the children of freaks, will have to sort these new problems out.

In this time of lack of hope, I believe, as Jeremy Rifkin, that we have to be optimistic. I will quote you these words from Ernst Fritz Schumacher in “Small is beautiful”. Forgive me for quoting by heart:

“What we need is optimistic people who do believe that disaster is unavoidable unless we remember what we human beings are: a race of living beings gifted with a sort of extraordinary talents, which is destined to be happy and endure over the Earth. To get it done will require many sacrifices and frustrations, but the optimistic people to which I’m referring have never feared work”.

Freaks of the world, ¡be one! The world is yours.


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