Open letter to the children of Europe (Free author's translation)

In these times of change and uncertainty I address myself to the sons of Europe to tell them to have faith in themselves, in their values and their capacity of recuperation of these crisis, as in the past we have ourselves recovered from worse crisis. Ours is a continent that has passed through horrible moments, like genocides, a continent that was shocked with the barbarie of World War Two and the Balcan War, and nonetheless it has survived.

I do not know whether it is the market, the traders or bankers, or the very God itself who wants to sink us in the deepest hole of desperation, but no matter what or who it is. We won’t be defeated. European Union is the greatest dream of humanity, the dream of brotherhood and progress more exciting that the human genre has seen in its last two thousand years of history. Since the extinction of Roman Empire there has been no land such prosperous and filled with culture in the planet.

Because that is what we Europe are: a culture, an idea, an illusion, a hope. We cannot be defeated, and we won’t be. We will lose things, specially in Spain and in other lands hardly affected by the crisis. We will lose the extremely fast cars in which the sisters of our friends lost their lives. We will lose the plasma TV’s with screens of tenths of inches to which our parents became addicted when they came back from work withdrawing them from thinking or opening a book. We will lose the last generation videogames to which our cousins were hooked, the same videogames that provoked that they became dispersed and do not complete their homework day after day. We will lose the flats that some people bought six years ago, that now are a 50% less valuable, the flats that bind them to their banks for the rest of their lives and force them to not having children and not being happy.

To lose all these things will hurt us. It will cause us pain. Loads of pain. But I say to you: perfect. Wonderful. That’s what we need. Because human pain it is the strongest force of these planet and it has been during all history. Concentrate your pain. Use it. Get profit of it. How? By doing the most revolutionary, valiant and obscene act that Evolution has created: thinking. Thinking in new ways of living, thinking in what we really need or not. We have to defeat the worst devil of human beings: our own devil that tells us that we cannot do anything to change this situation.

We are the people and we have the power. Which people? The European people. From which nation? From the nation of nations that is Europe, as Spain is a nation of nations.

The sons of Europe are uncountable. In America we are called the sons of the Pachamama, in muslim countries we are the sons of Allan, and in other parts of the world we are called in other ways. We children of Europe are those who were obedient to our parents, who studied one, two or three degrees, who speak several languages, to whom “nothing human is strange to us”, as the famous Latin adagio says. The children of Europe want that the right to the same education we have received will be guaranteed, and the only way to get it for sure is by fighting for our rights. If this right to education is guaranteed, all the other things will come for sure.

We are immersed in a process of change that will cause that the world turn to a much better place, more pacific and fair. This time it does not consist in a Revolution, it consists in an Evolution, without the R of Rage. To achieve it will cost us galons of sweat and thousands of tears, but this time it won’t cost a single drop of blood. Because this time the Republic of Words will defeat the Republic of Arms.

More than two hundred years ago Immanuel Kant exhorted humanity with his famous sentence: “Dare to think”. Excuse me if I exhort you in the same way: Children of Europe, dare to create. Dare to expel these corrupt politician that are ruling the world as if it was their private company, these politicians who do not remember their youth ideals because their have grown old.

Youth is the future. And the future belongs to all the children of Europe, of the Pachamama and of Allah who live in this world.
Those who in fatherlands do not believe because we know that our only fatherland is culture.


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