Manifesto for a biological democracy
Representative democracy is approaching to its end. Corruption, the growing distance between the politicians and the citizens, the lack of connection between the representatives and the citizenship and the excessive influence of the lobbies have deathly hurt the representative democracy. This crisis is a good example of it. If continue on following this path, we will wither and fade away, and we will be one day a simple remembrance for next generations, as it was Roman Empire for britons, anglos and saxons who came after them to rule Britannia. Power is corruption, we all know it. Thus said Gandalf to Frodo when he rejects the Ring. But it is not power what is sick, but only the type of power that we have been developing since ages in our little planet called Earth: the vertical power. During centuries we have created vertical hierarchyc structures, in which the transmission of information and the responsibility fluxes flew form the enormous base of miserable slaves or underpaid worker...